The 3 pillars of Platform architecture

The 3 pillars of Platform architecture

Platform Engineering is a hot topic. There is an optimist’s view: That it can potentially simplify the tech operating model of large, complex organizations. Yet there is also a cynical take: This is no panacea for conway problems.

The crucial question is, what even should be extracted into a “platform” boundary? Greedy platforms tend to stifle team autonomy. Loose platforms tend to add little value and more harm anything else.

Allow us to provide a take on what we think should be the three most important pillars for a sound platform strategy. Our recommendation is based on real-life experience of enabling platform-led transformations and areas that have proved most conducive for such an operating model, while providing clear, discernbile business value. We will also talk through some universal platform building blocks that you must consider.

Hybrid Cloud infrastructure platform

In the ever evolving cloud landscape, hardware comes cheap and commoditized. While cloud vendors will still seek to differentiate, it is now amply clear that containers are pretty much the standard level of atomicity for any workload. Therefore, the underlying IaaS, at least in theory, is very fungible.

This also signals the rise of Kubernetes as a great leveler and making multi-cloud – hybrid-cloud strategies actually viable without rocket surgery.

As Kelsey Hightower puts it “Kubernetes is the interface to the cloud”. If there’s one thing K8S has cracked, it is the declarative control plane API model, and by that it ensures that even if a competitor were to emerge, it would begin by baselining itself against the same API standard.

We will go out on a limb and make another prediction: in the same spirit of Atwood’s law: Any sufficiently complicated distributed system that can be natively runon Kubernetes will eventually be run as an operator.

That means, for those who may need to steer away from managed services for whatever reason, running an operator is very literally the next best thing. We expect K8S will be the chassis for building literally just about anything cloud native in the next 10 years; PaaS vendors will come up with even better and specialized Developer and operator experiences to run K8S-at-the-core apps with lesser hassle.

There are naysayers who think K8S is just too complex (there maybe a hint of truth in this even in 2022), but the sheer rate of increasing production workloads going into k8s is obviously data based testimony staring at you in the face that this is hardly as complex as they say it is. This is definitely led by the cloud providers themselves, but there is also a long tail of hybrid cloud compatible K8S distributions (such as VMWare Tanzu, RedHat OpenShift, Rancher, Nirmata, amongst others) that are enabling this. There are discretionary choices available for which flavor of Kubernetes suits you best and the vendor posture is towards K8S not as infrastructure modernization but as the foundational need for modernizing apps in itself;

Even capabilities that were seemingly a point of proprietary leverage for public cloud, such as serverless functions have now gained a first class foothold in Kubernetes, allowing product teams to build towards a deployment target that may run on any IaaS, with Kubernetes.

Our advice - if you are willing to make some investments towards Kubernetes, it is about time. Do it. It will certainly prove to be a very robust foundation for building higher order platforms.

The Data exchange platform

As DB sizes grow, it is inevitable that megaliths and monoliths must die; Shared state and data just has practical limits; Services must own data and therefore, enable themselves towards decomposition into smaller parts and distribution. When that happens, the needs for integrations arise.

The platform opportunities in integration are no recent discovery. Messaging platforms have been around for decades. In the cloud native world, Enterprise integration patterns may still hold (give or take), but the aforementioned integration technologies no longer make sense for microservices communication. The services get smaller, chattier and desire eventual consistency patterns which these systems suck at, not to mention that they barely lend themselves to distributed, hybrid cloud deployments without being bottlenecks in themselves.

There’s a second, larger problem: Data integration. Analytical problem space increasingly converges into the operational (this is a great thing) and therefore real time data integration is a much bigger problem than ever. Traditional big data approaches fail to fulfill the needs of business expectations where time-to-useful-data (whether be it insight, reporting or other analytics) has to be optimized to its bounds.

The best way to solve for both,is through embracing Event Driven, Reactive architecture as the de-facto way to architect applications. In this model:

  1. Choreography must be preferred over orchestration.
  2. Applications and services exchange data through streams: Event stream processing becomes the mechanism to synchronize and process data continuously and consistently.
  3. Most integrations can be handled through the same eventing backbone: An event store holds the logstream of events that can be applied (and replayed if necessary) to derive the state of an application

Note that this problem has large-scale distributed system underpinnings to it. As it emerges, it is clear that Apache Kafka is the standout winner for event streaming. Its use-cases are myriad: Everything from (S)EDA, event-sourcing, stream processing to data movement. Kafka solves core problems, such as that of exactly once Processing, a brokered, pub-sub API model that offers the highest number of tuning knobs and customizability to fit purpose, first class data persistence for reliable processing and lends itself to global scale, high throughput, ow latency, fault tolerant deployments.

Apart from these, Kafka also offers an ecosystem of connectors, stream processing bolt ons and schema management.

Most of all, similar to K8S, Apache Kafka’s data plane protocol has emerged as the defacto API standard for brokered eventing. This is evident in that even with Kafka’s emergent competition, such as Azure event hubs, Apache pulsar or the new kid on the block, RedPanda (formerly – that are innovating in the path of Kafka (in arguably superior ways), there is still conformance and compatibility to the same API protocol.

The Kafka based pub-sub streaming model is clearly emerging as the integration & data backbone of the enterprise. Data and eventing mesh like architectures will evolve on top of Kafka as the data plane standard and enable Data Productization that will be owned and stewarded by domains. App and services integrations will on the other hand, leverage changelog streams and increasingly lead to event-sourced architectures with newer Kafka centric API standards (such as AsyncAPI, CloudEvents) being the guardrails.

Our advise - if there’s one thing you’d want to do to tame data across the enterprise, consider a platform architecture with a “universal” stream bus like Kafka. This will certainly provide definitive ROI as an operational platform, while unlocking possibilities in real-time analytics, AI/ML and traditional big data processing.

The Connectivity platform

APIs are the very connective tissue of the modern enterprise.

The explosion of services in the SOA era has resulted in the emergence of API Management as a formal discipline, over and above classic integration middleware platforms (such as ESBs); API Platforms focus on API based mediation, composition patterns and policy based controls on security, traffic management and quotas.

While API Management has traditionally applied in SOA context, the microservices landscape brings in a different set of challenges than the Northbound-Southbound communication that API gateways traditionally addressed. This is the challenge of inter-service communication or East-West traffic. This is the emerging solution space of service meshes, where the opportunities include the same as that of API gateways and API management (albeit with more intelligent proxy or agent sidecars), but also extending to routing, load balancing, circuit breaking, traffic shifting, mirroring and most of all, observability through tracing across a graph of services.

Till date, there have been attempts to converge gateways and service meshes, but in our opinion, the most complete vision towards this is by Kong (and to a lesser extent, Kong offers a service mesh (Kuma - albeit not SMI compatible, uses Envoy as the data plane), an API gateway (nginx in the data plane) and a programmable plugin layer that supports Lua, Golang, Python and JS.

While it is unfair to say Kong is in the de-facto standard of it’s category class as Kafka and K8S, we find it the most plausible candidate worthy of that status eventually; Kong’s core concepts reduce to services and upstreams, routes and consumers, which maybe declaratively targeted by plugins. Kong boasts a large ecosystem of plugins and forks (such as mentionable Apisix), support for HTTP2, gRPC on both VMs, as well as K8S (with K8s ingress); Most of all, Kong provides typically an order of magnitude lift in performance vis-a-vis others and this constitutes a very compelling proposition.

The coalescence of API gateways and Service meshes has only begun. We predict Envoy based data-planes will become better and more efficient; We will increasingly look at architectures that not only externalize all network level cross cutting concerns (such as security, traffic management, routing) to the ubiquitous Envoy-at-the-core mesh layer, but also see much “smarter” wire level interception capabilities for different technologies, thus enabling sophisticated capabilities around resilience, load balancing and most of all, the API itself as an abstraction.

This is only the beginning, but there are several interesting possibilities just in the networking world with eBPF at the core. On the other hand, HTTP/2 is emerging and there is a rebound of RPC protocols (gRPC, Thrift, Dubbo) that provide consistent typing and deep, idiomatic programming language support; Finally, we also recognize heterogeneous API standards emerging (GraphQL, AsyncAPI, CloudEvents to name some) for a variety of use-cases beyond the core request-response oriented REST/SOAP standards that have been prevalent; To address these and other possibilities, if we had to make a choice today - it would almost certainly be Kong.

Finally, we must stress that APIs are just endpoints unless bundled together or built to suit use-cases of their audiences (ie, developers); For API Management to mature in an organization (regardless of API gateway or service mesh infrastructure), the curation of API products (or in an even more abstract sense, integration products) is the most important goal. This enables a transformation from APIs as integration endpoints towards APIs being literally, your business as a service.


There is clearly the emergence of a “k3” platform stack, consisting of Kubernetes, Kafka, Kong. These address respectively, the three most important pillars of an enterprise digital platform strategy - namely, infrastructure, data and APIs. For the discerning CT(I)O or platform engineering leader, the opportunities are vast and the OSS community has a lot to offer. It is important to take note and strategize accordingly.

About The Author

About The Author

Pavan Keshavamurthy
Pavan Keshavamurthy Cofounder at Platformatory. Pavan has handyman experience around systems programming, data, infrastructure and running tech consulting gigs