Chargeback for Kafka clusters
Solving for cost attribution and chargeback in Multi-tenant Kafka clusters
Interceptors for Librdkafka
Building Kafka interceptors for librdkafka clients
Flink Deployment Patterns
Overview of available deployment patterns for Flink Cluster
End-To-End Streaming Pipeline using KSQLDB and Kafka Connect
Complete End-to-End stream processing pipeline using KSQLDB and Kafka Connect with both Confluent Cloud and Standalone Confluent Platform
The Kafka benchmarking suite
Distributed testing grid for Kafka on top of Kubernetes
Command Processing and Event Driven Workflows with Apache Kafka and Airflow
Reactive Command processing in real time using Apache Kafka and by utilising Workflow architecture in Apache Airflow
Kafka batch processing with Airflow
Batch processing from Kafka Topics by using Apache Airlfow DAG
Faust 101 - Stream processing
A quick beginners walkthorugh on Faust - python stream processing library