Name | Speaker | Start Time | End Time | Presentation | Recording |
Welcome and registration | 10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | |||
Kong Custom Plugin to skip certain plugins applied to workspace level globally | Krishna Potnis, Vineet Dutt and Prema Namasivayam, Verifone India | 10:30 AM | 11:00 AM | ||
Networking break | 11:00 AM | 11:15 AM | |||
Changing engines in flight: Kong 3.x series | Harry Bagdi, Kong | 11:15 AM | 11:45 AM | ||
Event Driven Architecture with Kong | Pavan Keshavamurthy, Platformatory | 11:50 AM | 12:20 PM | ||
How CRED Leverages Kong to Provide Quality of Service (QoS) through Progressive Load Shedding | Abhishek Varshney, CRED | 12:25 PM | 12:55 PM | ||
Closing note | 12:55 PM | 1:00 PM | |||
Lunch & Networking | 1:00 PM | 2:00 PM |
Changing engines in flight: Kong 3.x series
Speaker: Harry Bagdi, Principal Engineer at Kong Inc
About the talk: Kong has been around for 8 years. A lot has changed in the last 8 years in the cloud infrastructure and API space. While Kong has stood the test of time, it is also time to redesign some aspects of Kong for the next 8-10 years. In this talk, we will go over the recent advances that have been made in 3.x releases and discuss research underway at Kong Inc.
Key takeaways:
We will cover:
. philosophy of Kong Gateway’s development
. advances in Kong’s core in the last 6-12 months
. What to expect from Kong Gateway’s development in the next 6-12 months
This should help all attendees plan their Kong Gateway deployments and use-cases.
Kong Custom Plugin to skip certain plugins applied to workspace level globally
Speaker: Krishna Potnis, Vineet Dutt and Prema Namasivayam, Verifone India
About the talk: Agenda is to talk and demonstrate the use of Kong Custom Plugin “Skip Plugin” which we developed to solve the Kong customer problem and this plugin has won the “Top Overall Contributor award” in Kong Hackathon 2021. The problem which we try to solve here is, whenever we apply any plugin at workspace level globally and we want certain global plugins to be skipped for certain services, it is not possible right now in Kong. The current workaround for this problem is to configure the service and route in a different workspace which creates duplication of plugin configuration in different workspaces. Skip plugin for Kong Gateway has the ability to skip plugins that have been enabled globally for specific services or routes.
Key takeaways:
To understand how to effectively use Kong features by applying plugins in global level and skip execution of global plugins for certain services present in that workspace which helps to avoid duplication of plugin configuration in another workspace.
How CRED Leverages Kong to Provide Quality of Service (QoS) through Progressive Load Shedding
Speaker: Abhishek Varshney, Software Architect at CRED
About the talk: - What backend system measures can you take to handle traffic spikes during high-scale events? During IPL match day, CRED gets non-linear spikes in traffic within a short period which can slow down certain services and create cascading failures on the CRED app, degrading the user experience. Learn about how Kong enabled CRED to provide Quality of Service (QoS) through Progressive Load Shedding by disabling non-critical flows, especially in tier 1 aggregator services.
Event Driven Architecture with Kong and Kafka
Speaker: Pavan Keshavamurthy, Platformatory
About the talk: - In this session, we will discuss how Kong and Kafka can be glued together to turn REST APIs into rich event sources and how this can be an aid for CQRS, modernizing legacy applications and even big data analytics.